FORECON offers a full range of forest management services designed to help landowners manage their timber resources efficiently and sustainably.
From timber sales and inventory to invasive species control and timber security, our team of expert foresters, wildlife biologists, and GIS professionals work together to ensure your property is managed with the best practices in forestry. Whether you’re focused on timber production, conservation, or recreational use, our approach helps you achieve long-term health and value for your forestland. We pride ourselves on customizing solutions to match your property’s unique needs while optimizing the ecological and financial benefits.

Land Management and Planning
We specialize in turn-key, long-term forest management for our institutional investor clients, high net worth individuals, family trusts and resource companies who need a dedicated firm like ours to handle all of the on-site management and administration of multi-county ownerships ranging from 3,000 acres to 100,000 acres. These service relationships involve acquisition due diligence, large scale inventory, budgeting, long-term forest planning, capital road construction, harvest scheduling, boundary line maintenance, integrated pest management, timber sale administration, growth & yield modeling, carbon modeling, environmental compliance, mapping and reporting.
Families and investors trust our dedicated team, for reliable, innovative, regional hardwood forest management services. We encourage you to give us a call if you’d like to explore our services for you and your team!

Timber Inventory
FORECON, Inc. specializes in providing our clients with customized timber inventory solutions to match any project. Timber inventories provide information on the composition, quality, and quantity of timber and other selected aspects of the property.
The FORECON team of foresters, land managers, biologists and GIS professionals work together to design inventories that produce accurate, useful tree data. At FORECON we know that there is no one size fits all timber inventory process and we pride ourselves on being adaptive to changing markets and client needs.

Timber Sales
Selling timber is a big event for any forest landowner. It is also a time when the woodlot is physically affected by the removal of trees, which if planned well will provide some very beneficial results in future years, but if planned poorly (or not at all) could lead to significant resource development setbacks. Timber Sale Services from FORECON means a timber harvest will be done with the woodland’s best interest and the best interest of the landowner in mind. We can help you promote future valuable timber growth, allowing for future timber sales and other valuable benefits. FORECON, Inc.’s timber sale process protects landowners, timber buyers, and the environment!

Certification Systems and Compliance
FORECON provides long-term land management services to a number of clients who adhere to certain third-party verified forest certification standards, including those of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC), the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI), and the American Tree Farm System® (ATF). We directly participate in the design and implementation of Forest Management Sytems (FMSs) and management activities subject to these standards. We also plan and participate in “mock-audits” to assure adherence to the standards. FORECON managers also accompany our clients and program auditors on actual third-party audits, reviewing both field and office procedures associated with the specific certification. We also routinely meet or exceed best management practices promulgated by the states within our operating region.

Insect and Disease Management
Invasive species of pests and disease are taking a toll on urban, rural and private forests throughout the country. In the U.S. Northeast, we have seen new infestations and afflictions as never before. While eradication of pests is not feasible, there are steps landowners and forest managers can take to help protect valuable trees. A tree can now be injected with a chemical tailor made to combat many specific ailments and infestations. When trees are proactively treated, they stand a much better chance of survival, even under the most damaging of situations.

Herbicide Application
Invasive plants can be trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, or flowers, and they can reproduce rapidly by roots, seeds, shoots, or all three. Some of the top species of concern in PA include Japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose, Japanese knotweed, Japanese stiltgrass, tree-of-heaven, oriental bittersweet, purple loosestrife, and garlic mustard. We offer a variety of vegetation management and herbicide application services. We invite you to contact us regarding your unique needs.

Timber Security
Millions of dollars of timber are stolen every year across the United States, some very covertly and some in broad daylight. Generations of forest management work can be destroyed, and the residual woodlot or forest can suffer extensive damage from timber theft. The high value of some of the hardwood species of the Eastern US is enticing to some criminal minds, as some single trees can be worth in excess of $1,000 each. This valuable asset deserves the same care and protection that any other asset of value receives.
FORECON’s Forestry Management services include steps to reduce the problem of timber theft by working to prevent it in the first place.