Setting Goals for Your Timber Sale

Understanding Options & Setting Goals

Options & Goal Setting

The cornerstone of a successful timber sale is in understanding a woodlot owner’s objectives and planning the harvest of trees to best accommodate the end goal.  Because there are as many objectives as there are woodlot owners, each sale should be custom tailored, taking into account not only the end goal (i.e., sustainable income from forest products, wildlife habitat enhancement, etc.), but more specifically the species composition of the woodlot, the available access to the woodlot, the spacing (geographic density) of the trees, the slope and aspect of the site, the time of year (seasonal conditions), and a host of other things.

Professional foresters understand the discipline of silviculture, which is defined by the US Forest Service as “the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society on a sustainable basis.”  The practice of good silviculture in the harvesting and sale of trees in a woodlot is essential for promoting sustainable results that meet the expectations of the landowner.  That is why it is important to have a professional forester and forest technicians involved in the entire process of a timber sale.

Our professional forestry staff has the experience and knowledge base to administer the timber sale process in the most efficient, cost-effective and beneficial way possible to the landowner.  Years of working in the valuable hardwood regions of the Eastern United States have allowed us to develop an excellent insight into the ever-evolving hardwood timber marketplace, helping us to best time and direct a landowner’s timber sale for maximum results.

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