Fall is the time for hunting! As several hunting seasons kick off in the northeast, have you secured your hunting land and made all your last-minute preparations? Hunters: how many of you have invested countless hours scouting for deer sign only to find someone else is in “your spot” on opening day? FORECON currently has several properties available in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia that we are assisting the landowners with finding the right group of hunters. As a lessee you secure an area as your own private reserve, with opportunities to strategically locate tree stands/ground blinds and sometimes even food plots. Available hunting leases range in all sizes and types – from bottomland to farmland to the big woods loaded with a fresh crop of acorns. We work closely with landowners and hunters alike to find the right group of hunters – those who will care for the land and manage wildlife populations responsibly. FORECON’s landowner clients are interested in actively managing their properties for multiple uses, including hunting and outdoor recreation.
If you are interested in the FORECON HuntLease program, click to learn more.