Our friends at Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences recently shared an in depth article that includes background information about the impact of forest management and timber harvesting ordinances on private forests. There is a wealth of background information on Pennsylvania’s forests as well as a short overview of Pennsylvania’s Municipalities Planning Code.
Additional sections introduce readers to some forest management basics, and explanations of the benefits landowners, both private and public, can achieve through forest management. Further discussion offers a guide to meaningful discussions about the need for developing regulations, as well as information relevant to evaluating and accessing relevant local expertise.
The publication even offers a model timber harvesting ordinance created by input from natural resource professionals that addresses most of the concerns expressed by local communities. The full article can be found on the Penn State Extension website. Published with permission and With thanks to Michael Jacobson, Ph.D., professor of Forest Resources.
This publication provides background information about forest management and timber harvesting ordinances on private forests.
Permission to Reprint Granted to FORECON Inc
This publication provides background information about forest management and timber harvesting ordinances on private forests.