The most recent Hardwood Leader (September 2020), a publication put out monthly by the Hardwood Publishing Co., Inc., looked at export markets for both hardwood lumber and logs. There has been some “solid growth” in these markets and, despite a slight downturn showing up in the June numbers mostly because of temporary setbacks with China, exports to Europe, Latin America, and other southeast Asian markets, including Vietnam after a 4 month decline, have continued to increase. A key comment made in this particular issue is that “though Chinese buyers may have come out of their pandemic shutdowns a little too aggressively and overbought, the impressive growth elsewhere builds on May momentum and continues to point to April as the low point in global demand.”
Below are some graphics illustrating the average monthly shipment volumes of both lumber (in board feet) and logs (in cubic meters) based on a rolling three-month period from February through May of this year. The information is presented by species, importing country, and month. Also provided are total composite estimations of demand for both lumber and logs on a total basis, showing a 66.9% volume increase in average shipments in lumber from February 2020 through May 2020, and a 49.8% increase for logs in the same corresponding period.

Hardwood Leader (September 2020), Hardwood Publishing Co., Inc.
As always, if you have timber you may be interested in selling, and want a long-standing professional forestry firm representing your best interests in the process, please don’t hesitate to call any of our FORECON offices. Our foresters would be very happy to speak with you about the markets, and more importantly, your goals and objectives for your land.