We recently performed due diligence services for a client that acquired one of the most outstanding hardwood timberland ownerships in the Appalachian region. Located in Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Counties, New York, and Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Forest, McKean, Venango and Warren Counties, Pennsylvania, these tracts have a well-balanced mix of valuable commercial hardwood species including red maple, red oak, black cherry, white oak and sugar maple.

After closing on the ownership our client then reached out for management services and we are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the land management and database management contracts for this ownership and are excited to help our client meet its goals of sound and sustainable forest management over many years to come.

We will be working closely with the client in the management planning, budgeting, timber sale administration, database management (using our TIGER Database Management System), and harvest optimization and scheduling modeling (through our ForestSim™ growth and yield simulation software).
As FORECON continues to grow its management and technical capabilities, we’d like to remind forest landowners of every type (institutional, industrial, NGO, private, or governmental) that we stand ready, willing and able to help them meet their forest management goals and objectives. Please don’t hesitate to call us at (716) 664-5602 to discuss our capabilities and find out how we can help you succeed.