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The New Tiger Web 2.0 Is Here

Managing your timber inventory and forest management data can be a difficult and time consuming task. Recognizing the difficulties and costs inherent to forest data collection, FORECON, Inc. first developed the TIGER Growth and Yield Database System for clients to optimize their investment by modeling future forest conditions. Access to projected timber inventory data was provided through the TIGER Web interface, where ad-hoc growth modeling, maps, and reports could be created and downloaded by users.  The first of its kind web portal allowed users to distribute information to their personnel regardless of location or time of day.

The new TIGERWeb release sports a new and improved interface with enhanced functionality. Significant improvements to the “back-end” database allow TIGERWeb 2.0 to be used with TIGER growth data or as a stand-alone forestry GIS repository to distribute a variety of data to field personnel, land managers, and data consumers.

Some of the updates include:

  • Tight integration with the TIGER Growth and Yield model
  • Highly customizable to suit your needs and your data
  • Customizable reporting tool
  • Streamlined ad-hoc growth tool
  • Improved data visualizations
  • Improved info tools for quick access to data attributes
  • Can be used as a standalone GIS delivery vehicle