It goes without saying that we wouldn’t be in business if it weren’t for the forests in our areas of operation. It also goes without saying that without these forests, this region would be a very different place without all the positive benefits healthy, vibrant forests provide – clean air, clean water, abundant wildlife, a host of recreational opportunities, and certainly employment opportunities. New York State residents are blessed with an abundance of forest-land that enriches lives of New Yorkers in so many ways.
The Empire State Forest Products Association (ESFPA) serves as a “voice for its members in shaping public policy that impacts the forest products economy and the forests that support it.” Among its many roles, the ESFPA conducts research and provides educational resources* designed help residents gain a deeper appreciation of the forests around them and around their state.
Majority of Forest Land in NYS is Privately Owned
Forests cover over 19 million acres of New York’s land area. More than 64% of the total State.
Of the 19 million acres of forest land, 14.4 million acres (75%) are privately owned, leaving 4.6 million acres of publicly accessible forest land
Forest Products and the Economy
- Wood harvested from New York’s forests support both domestic and world-wide markets
- Over 41,000 New Yorkers are directly employed by the forest sector with a payroll of about $2.5 billion annually. Adding secondary employment related to the forest products industry expands this total to almost 100,000 jobs statewide, and a total payroll of about $6.2 billion
- The industry accounts for 9% of all manufacturing employment in the State
- The industry generates a direct economic impact of $13.1 billion
- The industry invests an average of about $430 million annually in capital assets
Forests and the Ecology
- New York forests contain/sequester about 1.6 billion tons (or 83 tons/acre) of carbon
- New York forests absorb approximately 21 million additional tons of carbon per year (the equivalent of 40% of the carbon emissions from gasoline vehicles in the State)
- New York forests are growing in volume at an average of 2.5 times the rate of harvested volume
- New York forests provide habitat for 163 bird species, 49 mammal species, and 40 amphibian and reptile species
Forests and Our Communities
- New York forests protect the public drinking water supply for over 12 million New Yorkers
- Forests absorb, filter and slow the fall and impact of rainfall and storm events
- Trees filter airborne particulates and irritants that cause respiratory illnesses
- Forest-based recreation in New York employs nearly 32,000 people
- Forest-based recreation contributes an additional $8.2 billion to the state economy
We think it’s safe to say New Yorkers are blessed with an incredible forest resource. FORECON is proud to provide value to our clients by helping sustain their incredible resource.