The FORECON office in Titusville, PA has been BUSY. While the office has been growing and taking on new work over the past year and a half, this fall brought an especially busy set of days. Over a two-day period in mid-October, the entire office of 9 people teamed up to mark 2 timber sale projects totaling 812,000 board feet of timber on just over 100 acres! This is equivalent to the amount of lumber needed to frame almost fifty (50) homes averaging about 2,600 square feet! Of course there are not many homes framed with hardwood lumber, but that puts the amount of timber marked in perspective! Another way to look at this is that it is the equivalent amount of timber required to make approximate 40,600 Adirondack-style slat back chairs!
One of the many advantages FORECON can provide its clients is efficient and effective work done in very short time periods. Let us know how we can help you!
Great Job Titusville!